"Professıonal Lerner, Determıned, Wıllıng"

Fatih Yapıcı was born in 1996 in İzmir and has an educational background in Business Administration and Computer Programming. His strong interest in technology and software development has led him to actively work in this field and continuously improve his skills.

Fatih Yapıcı focuses on advancing his programming skills in technologies such as Git, C#, .NET Core, SQL, MVC, and API, with a particular emphasis on backend and frontend development. Additionally, he is proficient in UI/UX design, database management, and microservices architecture.

Fatih Yapıcı actively develops projects in the fields of Web Development, Backend Development, and Frontend Development.

With a passion for continuous learning and a perfectionist approach, Fatih Yapıcı aims to excel as a software developer in the tech industry.



Anadolu Unıversıty | Computer Programmıng


Manısa Celal Bayar Unıversıty | Busıness Admınıstratıon


.NET Layered Archıtecture

DevOps CI/CD


Versıon Control Systems
